Thursday, January 19, 2012


My life as it is has lots of room for improvement. There are many things I would love to accomplish and change in my life. Now I'm not trying to say that I'm not happy with they way things are right now, but... I'm sure you all understand what I'm trying to say. Anywho, it's time for me to set short term goals.. An etsy account has been put in place for the numerous treasures found during many a thrifting adventures. Also believe it or not a girlfriend and I are quite the crafty pair and we'd love to see if anyone would be interested in our goodies! (not the Ciara kind, of course) Another goal of mine is to get a decent passing grade in my online math course. I've never been great in math, if anything I've been border line below average. I haven't even had to deal with any kind of arithmetic in about 2 years. (sigh) so it's extremely important that I prove to myself I can be a successful student. Ya know.. as well as a good mother, an efficient housewife, a caring nanny, a beloved sister and friend, a diligent "shop" owner, a handy crafter, an observant thrifter,a dutiful blogger, yadda yadda yadda. Okay so during my whole rant on wanting to better myself i lost sight of what I actually wanted to blog about. Ugh, maybe before I try and to anything, I should get my ADD under control. Well I hope I didn't waste anyones time. I've got a stinky diaper with my name on it! Have a great day everyone or anyone!

Ps maybe you have a goal you'd like I set for yourself? I'd love to hear about it! ....if theres anyone reading that is :)