Saturday, January 21, 2012

Doctors visit

So today was miss Adelia's 15 month doctors visit and it went... Slowly. The day started with buckets of rain pouring from the sky. My good friend Lauren brought us there because Sam unfortunately had to work. Anyways, we ended up sitting and waiting for an hour. (as usual... Im and looking into finding a new pediatrician because the passed few visits have been just awful) does anyone have any tips on how to keep a little one that's into EVERYTHING occupied at the doctors? Because I have yet to master this. Then as soon as the nurse walking into the room, the waterworks start a flowing! But I do love finding how much growing my little flower has done. She weighs 22.8 lbs and is 31 inches long :) her head circumference is in the 80th percentile as well. This mama was very pleased to hear all this good news! We have a normal growing and developing baby as the doctor informs me. And judging by her 6 teeth I am told that we will be needing orthodontic work done. Yeesh. After the nightmarish vaccines we were off to lunch. Panera bread is a family favorite and when we're up in chesterfield there really isn't much of a question of where we'll eat. When all of our bellies could no longer handle anymore rich creamy delicious Mac and cheese, we made our way back home. Adelia slept the entire car ride and our day, overall was very successful. Tomorrow will be even more eventful because Lauren will be coming to stay with us for a few weeks and we love Lauren! Very excited :)